Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Miser

Seattle Shakespeare Company
March 14 - April 6, 2008
Tickets online at Seattle Shakespeare Company

Currently Seattle is boasting two Moliere shows both in the ridiculous display of character absurdity and overblown humor to tickle the funny bone. At Seattle Shakespeare Company, The Miser Starring Todd Jefferson Moore as the title role swings in to full gear, bringing the world of Moliere into the face of the audience, literally accusing them for the miser’s distress. From cross-generational marriage proposals to inter-familial monetary abuse, the show pulls the audience into a hyped up world of love, hate and, in true Moliere fashion, spins around on a dime to bring pure joy and never-ending happiness to the characters.

The design team, Craig Wollam – Set, Deane Middleton – Costume, Dick Devin – Lighting, and M. Elizabeth Eller – Sound, combine their efforts to create a unique blend of period and modern styling to the show. From present day pop songs to a dilapidated living space in a grand house, the choices bring a fun, at times odd, flavor to the production.

Photo Credit: John Ulman

With Todd Jefferson Moore leading the brigade, a cast of hilarious actors light up the stage. Their consistency and quirky talent bring dynamic exuberance to this world. Though it seems to take a moment for the audience to connect up with the characters’ rhythm, the uneasiness soon gives way to moments that capture the audience in emotions of passion, pain and humor. Each character dapples the absurdity of their world in such a way as to connect well with the other members of the household and bring the audience into their lives.

Come join the destined lovers, coin mongering miser and every scheming louse present, meaning everyone in the show, as they romp across the Seattle Shakespeare stage from March 14 to April 6, 2008.

Reviewed by: Rick Skyler

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