Friday, February 15, 2008

Reefer Madness! hits Seattle!


February 22 – March 22 2008
Live Girls Theater
2220 NW Market St., Seattle, WA
Tickets and Information

Seattle, WA – Everything is hysterical and nothing is sacred when your
life is REEFER MADNESS: THE MUSICAL, brought to life in Seattle for
the first time by RK Productions, running February 22 - March 22. The
year is 1936: FDR is in the White House, Duke Ellington is playing the
Jazz Clubs; Gone with the Wind sits on everyone's nightstand and Our
Gang plays on the goggle box. The unsuspecting nation sleeps easy
while a leafy green assassin lurks in the shadows, feeding on
America's seedy underbelly of filth and degradation. Marihuana is
that assassin: a violent narcotic, and unspeakable scourge; the real
public enemy number 1! REEFER MADNESS: THE MUSICAL depicts the tale
of Jimmy Harper, an exemplary, upstanding lad tragically ravaged and
twisted into a hedonistic and murderous weed fiend. YOU WILL BE
SHOCKED as the reefer seduces him into a world filled with
sadistically wild orgies, junkie zombies, homicide, and the devil

In 1936, a small church group produced a movie to warn of the
'real-life effects' that marijuana has on America's innocent youth
entitled TELL YOUR CHILDREN! The full-feature film exposes the most
typical side-effects of pot, including the tendencies to engage in
orgies, rape, homicide, and suicide. Two years later, exploitation
guru Dwain Esper bought the rights for $297, added scenes with
scantily-clad women, and re-edited some of the original footage to be
more implicative of drug-induced sexual aggressiveness; he also
re-titled the film to REEFER MADNESS! Sixty-Five years later, Dan
Studney (Composer, TV: Weird Science, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,
projects with Matt Groening) and Kevin Murphy (Lyricist, Co-Executive
Producer, Desperate Housewives) were inspired to put the original
script on stage, decked-out with boundary-crossing propaganda and
raucous stereotypes, fueled with hatred for exploitative political
fear tactics; All held together by a glorious 'Big-Broadway-Musical'
score. After traveling from Los Angeles to New York City to 'the Big
Screen' (produced by ShowTime Entertainment), RK Productions
appropriately breathes new life into REEFER MADNESS during a charged
political climate at the perfectly intimate Live Girls Theater in
Seattle, WA… and make no mistake… anyone can fall victim to the evils
of the dread MARIHUANA! The next to succumb could be your sons or
daughters… or even you! … or You!! … or YOU!!!

***REEFER MADNESS is a highly stylized and satirical political
commentary. It contains adult humor, religious parody, drug use, as
well as suggested violence and sexual explicitness. It may prove TOO
SHOCKING for some audiences! ***

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